Friday, December 15, 2017

Hailey Turns Eleven!!

We normally celebrate Hailey's birthday over Christmas break, before we go back to school.  This year she REALLY wanted a Christmas themed party, so we celebrated it before break started, in December.  It turned out to be a great party!  She loved her decorations, and she had lots of friends come celebrate her.  They played games, decorated ginger bread houses and ate cupcakes.  Can't believe she is eleven.  Hailey has really started to grow up!  I can't believe how fast time is going.  She's such a great friend and student. She never wants anyone to feel left out, and stands up for kids who aren't treated the greatest at school.  She is a straight A student and loves to help her teacher and Addy's teacher from last year at school.  They have to wait about 20 minutes after school for me to get off work, and I can always find her in Mrs. Faulkner's room cleaning or grading papers.  We love you Hailey!!

 We decided to do graham cracker
houses instead, just to make it easy.

 Addy all ready to party!

 House toppings!

 She was SO excited!!

 Love this girl!

Cousin John was the only boy invited haha!

 They had so much fun decorating.  Lots of giggling.

My favorite seven year old!!


 They played a game where they had to memorize what was
on a tray that I brought around.  They had one minute to look
at it, and one minute to write everything down.  They did really good!

 This game was funny, but didn't last as long as I hoped.  
They have to unwrap a present with oven mitts on. 

 This one you stick a little peanut butter on your nose, and then
you have to transfer cotton balls to a bowl.  It was pretty funny!

 Addy girl!

Time for singing and cupcakes.

 Opening gifts.  She loved everything!!
Such sweet friends!

 At the end of the day, surrounded
by all of her gifts.  She said
"I'm so happy".  She had a great day!


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