Monday, July 31, 2017

Pictures from July

 Our little workout girl!

 While grocery shopping, the girls 
found the backpacks they wanted
for this school year.  Hailey loves
everything emoji right now, and Addy
loves anything from Trolls.


 She had been asking to make fudge.

 Putting on a silly dance.

 Hailey's way of working out haha!

 The joy of going through the car wash!

Baking time!

 Working on math problems.

 Silly girl!

 Addy was trying to be creepy haha!

 Yummy FIIZ drink.

 Fourth of July.  No fireworks this year, just
sparklers with our neighbors.  Fireworks freak
me out anyway, so it was nice to have a mellow night!

 Chic Fil A for lunch.

 Fun with cousins on the new pool floaty.

 Go kart fun.


 After Skateland we went to 7-11 
for free slurpees because it was July 11th.

 Riding in style at Sam's Club.

Pretty Hailey.

 Papa's birthday.

 Working out!  The girls kept stealing my sports bras,
so I eventually had to buy them their own haha.

 Making brownies.

 After making brownies, she
made us strawberry smoothies.

Cute little country singer.

 Eating out at Red Robin, one of our favorite places!

 Hailey trying on her new outfits
for school.  Can't believe she will
be in the fifth grade!

 Looking so grown up!

 Working out with Daddy!

Walking Remi, the crazy Vizsla!

Getting ready to workout!  This
girl loves to join us almost every time.

 Goofy Addy!

 Jaren trying to figure out why Hailey's go kart isn't working.

 Hailey helping Daddy.

 Addy had her little friend McKenna from school over.

 Grandma Lois had a "grandma party".  She made yarn
dolls, had snacks and played games from her childhood,
like hide the thimble.  The kids all loved it.

Addy going to her friends pajama party!

 While Addy was at her birthday party,
Hailey talked me into IHOP and the mall.
It was her lucky day, because I am not a
mall person at all!

 She scored a few cute things at
Justice, her favorite store.

 Remember how I said the girls kept
stealing my sports bras?  When we were
at the mall, I got the girls their own haha!
Addy was embarrassed to open it, but
also excited haha.

 Giving her baby a ride.

 These two get so much use out of their go karts!

 More go kart riding.  Our culdesac makes
for the perfect place to ride.

 Girls on go karts, Jaren and I walking Remi.

 Helping me make potato soup.

The girls playing out in the rain with the neighbor boys.  The family
that moved in is in our ward, and they are the BEST neighbors.  This
was one of our first monsoon storms, and it made it so nice and cool out.

 Hailey is SO good at keeping the younger kids entertained.
She'll make a great babysitter when she's older.

Addy and Owen are in the wagon.  His mom and I joke that
they are going to end up married one day.  He's two years
younger, but they have the sweetest little friendship I have
ever seen two kids have.  They will play for hours, and it's like
they are in their own little world.  When they are done playing,
Addy goes on our side of the garage, Owen stays on the other.
They lay on their tummy and wave bye until it shuts, and then
they yell "meet me at the front door". They both run around to the
front door and say their goodbyes again.  It's so sweet!

 Eating lunch at Sam's club.

 This girl loves her pizza!!

 Playing house.  The girls set up a house like this multiple
times over the past month or so.  The coffee table is the
upstairs haha.  So cute watching them play.

 Going shopping with her babies haha.

 More go kart fun.

 At Urban Jungle.  Guess this was the
only picture I took....oops.

 Hard to see, but we went to FIIZ with Payton.

 The girls are going through a serious doll phase right now haha!
This was on the way to Hailey's orthodontist appointment.  It
took forever just to get in the car and get the dolls situated haha.

 Still loves to play with dolls.  I played
with them until I was 12, so I'm sure she
won't be doing this much longer, but I like it!

 Playing games while waiting to be called
back at the orthodontist.

 Cute girls!  Love them!

Addy making yogurt dots.

 Addy started piano lessons!  She was SO excited.  Her first lesson
was awesome. I stayed and she did great.  The next one, she bawled
her eyes out.  I literally had to drag her in, it was so sad.  She is still
dealing with some anxiety issues, poor girl.  Breaks my heart.  The next
lesson she went, but cried, and all of the ones after she did awesome!

 More FIIZ haha.  Hailey went to a birthday party, and
so Addy and I had some time to kill before we went back.

 More go kart fun.

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