Wednesday, April 26, 2017

April Pictures

Since I'm so late on blogging, these are just random pictures from April...

 Addy's new way of eating haha!

 Addy was playing a rich girl (with fancy lace gloves haha),
and Hailey was her servant.  She was giving her a massage.
It's so funny to listen to these girls when they play.

 We finally got a new lawn mower!!  Who would've thought that
I would have to be the one begging for a new mower haha.  I love
mowing the lawn, and our other one was so old, and was literally
falling apart.  The bag wouldn't stop falling off, a wheel was broken,
and the lid to the gas was crumpled up aluminum foil haha. 

 Hailey went to science camp for school!  It was three
days away.  We weren't going to let her go at first, me being
the huge worrier that I am.  But, she begged, and we started
thinking that time away would be good for her, and that
maybe she would appreciate things more (sorry Hailey, but
you are a stinker sometimes haha).  She LOVED it!!

 Another picture before she left.

 Thankful for Hailey's teacher that sent this picture of her
at camp.  Ashlynn and Lexi and Hailey.

Hailey playing a game at camp.  She's in the turquoise jacket.

 Poor little Addy fell asleep super early one
night, and just didn't feel good.  Luckily it
was a quick little bug, because she felt
better the next day.

 Hailey had to do a report and present
it at school.  She did hers on the author
of The Boxcar Children series.  She did a great job.

 Addy climbing our neighbors tree.

 At the library.

 We bought new chalk, and the girls
got the color everywhere!  Our house
looked like a murder scene haha!

 Took this girl to Sam's Club and she
talked me into these gourmet cupcakes.
Hard to say no to that cute face!

 After Sam's Club we went to Trader
Joe's.  Addy loves going there
because they have little carts for the kids.

 There new eating place...under the table, silly girls!

 Hannah and Addy.  The water was still pretty
cold at this point, but kids don't care!

 Addy's teacher gave each student a goal to read 100
books by the end of the school year.  Addy wasn't really
trying at first, but once her teacher mentioned to her that she
needed to catch up to the other kids, she got really into it.  We
made a stop at the library each week, and before you know it,
she was up to 100 books.  Go Addy!

 Pancakes for breakfast....mmmmm.

 Rachel's mother in law, Patty, threw an Easter egg hunt for
the kids.  I cannot believe how many eggs there were!  Since it was
so hot, they placed strips of colored paper in the eggs, and then when
they were done searching, they got to trade them for goodies.

 The girls and Hannah.  They also gave them HUGE
chocolate bunnies.  The girls had a blast.

 Playing with silly putty.

 Silly girl!

Haha...such cute little fishy lips.

 We made a countdown chain for summer.

 Hailey's piano recital.  She looks so grown
up here!  Even though she wants to quit piano half
the time, we tell her she can't.  She is doing so so
good!  It's so fun to see her proud of herself when
she learns a new song.  Go Hailey!

 Our school had a main water line break, so
they had to let kids out three hours early!  These
poor girls had to stay at school with me, so I
treated them to Golden Spoon on the way home.

 Swimming in the freezing water!

 Hailey is weird haha!  Every now and then we
find something very creepy around our house.  Not
sure if we should sleep with our eyes open or what haha!

 Playing pet store in Remi's cage.

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