Coloring with Hailey's new gel pens. This was funny...we were
all four coloring, and when Hailey and I stopped, these two
kept going for another hour!
Addy working out with me, silly girl!
Cute girl loves her new baby!
Making cupcakes!
Hailey's cute little New Years resolution. She
wants to workout and get healthy.
Painting our master bathroom. Never again lol. I HATE painting.
Making pasta salad.
Addy got invited to her friend Mailee's birthday party. It was SO
fun, but freezing! It was an outdoor obstacle course, and it
started raining and blowing pretty good. I was so happy to see
her come out of her shell with her friends. Go Addy!
Dinner I made one night. It's Stromboli. The girls were
a little grossed out that it looked like a giant worm haha!
Fun with cousins Meghan, David and Dax.
Rough life.
She doesn't look sick, but she was. At school, Hailey came and found
me and said she didn't feel good. I thought it was because she just didn't
want to be at school. They had her lay down on the couch in the office
for an hour, to see if she felt better. After an hour, she said she was all achy.
My boss said that she was a mean mom, and made her kids stay. I wanted to
believe her, so we left for the day. On the way home, we stopped and got her
a Jack in the Box hash brown and shake. After we got home, she started
running a fever. I felt so bad that I didn't believe her at first....sorry Hailey haha.
Still not feeling well, we took her to the doctor the
next day just to check her throat and ears.
This girl was in heaven when we found a tub of Hailey's old
clothes that was just her size! She spent two hours digging through them.
The girl down the street who is eight wanted to do a dance class
for the girls in the neighborhood. Addy was all excited to do it, but
after two classes, she wigged out and didn't want to go anymore. I
honestly thing it was just boring for her, I don't know. Addy is getting
better and not being clingy to me, but she still has her moments haha.
Addy and her "grandma" blanky (grandma made it for her),
her little animals and her fake glasses, all things she loves.
Cute little Hailey loves to put her hair up like this.
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