Tuesday, August 9, 2016

School Starts

Well, the summer went by WAY too fast and school is finally here.  Hailey is in fourth grade, and Addy first.  One big difference this year has been that I got a job as a teacher's aide at their school!  I waited to hear all summer long if I got the job, I was SO excited.  I have loved being a stay at home mom these past six years, but am excited to start working again. 

 This cutie wanted to get her hair trimmed
before meet the teacher!

 Addy and her teacher, Mrs. Faulkner.
I LOVE her, and requested her for Addy.
She is super sweet, and with Addy being so
timid and shy, I think it will be a great match.

 Hailey and Mrs. Arnow.  She is so
excited to have her as a teacher.

 Hailey's classroom.  She had to fill out a little
information about herself.

I took the girls to Red Robin for one last
lunch date before school starts!

 I guess Hailey felt the need to flex haha.

 Cute little sisters. 

 First day!  I cannot believe we have a
fourth and a first grader!! 

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