Saturday, May 14, 2016

Addy and the Princess Party

Addy was invited to a pretty awesome birthday party for a little girl named Cristobelle, who is in her class.  She had a party (just for fun) a few months ago, but we couldn't make it.  This time, it was her birthday, and she was throwing a princess themed party.  I had planned on only taking Addy for only an hour and a half, because it was a three hour party, and we had a very busy day.  But, we got there, and it was so much fun, we stayed the whole time.  This family is very well off, and threw an amazing party.  There was a princess that came every hour, balloon twisting, face painting, piñata, games and more.  There was pizza and hot dogs and a HUGE spread of appetizers.  Addy has had such a hard time during the past couple of years in social situations, and she is starting to open up and not be as scared.  I love seeing her with her friends, and being goofy and silly.  She had such a good time, but I told her not to get any fancy ideas for her party haha! 

 All ready to go.  I love that she dressed
up for the party haha!  This one always
wants to do her hair...and makeup!
 Getting her nails painted by Belle.  This
was right when she walked in the door, and it
took a little convincing to have her do it...silly.
 The piñata.  This was a cool piñata where instead
of batting it, you pull strings, and one breaks it.  They
had the girls pull them all at once.  They loved it!

 Snow White arrived!  Look how happy Addy looks! 
Ahhh to be five years old again ♥♥

 Hard to see, but they were dancing with the princesses. 

 The balloon twisting lady made her a
beautiful flower.  She loved it!!
 Elsa came too! 

 She got her face painted by Elsa.  She sat and
waited in line so patiently, and it took forever.  First they
took the girl behind her, then they had to go eat, then they
squeezed in the birthday girl when Addy was up....finally it was her turn.  She
is so sweet and waited so patiently.

The most delicious cupcake ever!!!!  

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