Tuesday, August 11, 2015

First Day of School

First day of school.  Hailey did awesome all day.  Addy...not so much.  Addy wasn't wanting me to just drop them off, so I walked in with them.  Even though it's a small school with under three hundred kids, it was CHAOS!  Addy found her line, and when the bell rang, she was walked off.  She did okay, but had tears in her eyes...break my heart!! 

When I picked them up that day, Addy burst into tears, it was the saddest thing ever.  She said her day was too long, and she missed me a lot.  She cried most of the evening, until she went to bed.  The second day, we decided to switch her to half day.  She did much better, but still cried every single day when I'd leave, poor girl.

Hailey loved it and did great!!

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