Saturday, April 11, 2015

Enchanted Island

We bought a POGO pass for the girls and I and have been getting good use out of them so far.  It only costs $40 per pass, and we've already been to the zoo, skateland & Makutu's Island.  Yesterday we went to a place in Phoenix called Enchanted Island, and the girls LOVED it!!  It's so awesome that they have Fridays off school, because we get to go when almost everyone else is in school.  There was hardly anyone there, and we only had to wait in line maybe once, and that was for like two minutes.  They have about ten rides to go on, and a train to ride around.  We stayed for three hours, ate lunch and had slushies and then went home to play in the hose on the trampoline because it was so hot!

Jumping on the trampoline with the neighbor girl, Maylee.  

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