My new blog books for 2014 came in the mail...SO FUN! It's crazy how much you forget about all that you did that year. I love looking back and seeing all of our little activities and whatnot. Reading the new books made me want to go back and look and the older books. Man, the girls sure have changed. I used to write out our weeks more in detail, and I really loved going back and reading about all we did. So, I'm thinking I will go back to that. I'm sure if will be neat down the road to see how our days and weeks went, even if it's mostly boring haha!
I woke up Monday with a headache, which I was almost positive wouldn't turn into a migraine. But, as luck would have it, by dinner time, I was in major pain. Lucky for me, that meant takeout for dinner...YES! The earlier part of the day went pretty well. I decided to start making to do lists again. If I don't, I just go from one thing to another, sometimes not finishing what I start before moving on to another task, and it drives me NUTS! So, back to writing out what needs done for the day! First thing on the list was cleaning our filthy floors! It had only been a week, but I couldn't stand them any longer! Addy got out her toy vacuum and mop and helped! She's so cute, my little side kick. Gwen texted and invited Addy over to play. Addy still has issues about going places without me sometimes, and she insisted she wasn't going. She must've said to me at least a hundred times, "just so you know, I'm not going!" Poor girly! After a few tears, I took her over. By the time Gwen and I talked for ten minutes, Addy and Hannah were off playing. I left to run a few errands, which is SOOOO nice to do without kids. Although, Addy is a good little shopper. After leaving Gwen's house we came home and did some more chores until it was time to pick up the big kids. Hailey had piano, the girls watched some tv and then it was bedtime! I woke up at 2AM with serious migraine pains. I sat in the kitchen eating animal crackers and just kept thinking that I hoped the girls don't get my migraines some day :(
The girls were glad to have Elsie back on Tuesday (I watch her each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday). The mornings are CRAZY with the three of them running around. It never fails, they get involved in playing something, and when Hailey's ride comes, she doesn't want to stop. Every. Single. Morning!! Then it's me rushing her to the car and feeling bad once she leaves because I rushed her off! After dropping Addy and Elsie at preschool, I came back to prepare my church lesson and look up a talk for Addy. She gets to give her first talk, and she's very excited. After school the girls played, and I did some things around the house until it was time to pick up the big kids from school. After school the kids did their chores while I made lasagna soup, then they rode bikes in the cul-de-sac. After dinner it was baths and some tv. We had a family meeting last week, and the girls now have to earn their tv time! So far, it's working great and they are very excited with our new rules.
Wednesday I took Addy and Elsie to the park after preschool. Gwen and Hannah met us there and the girls played for about an hour, the weather was perfect! That night Hailey had her second Activity Days and then dance, back to back, so she was a busy girl that night! I felt bad for her because she didn't have much down time that day, but she loved going to Activity Days because they got to make bread for sacrament this Sunday, and she got to bring a mini loaf home and bake it. It was delicious! We also surprised Hailey and told her she could skip school on Thursday and go on Addy's field trip to Butterfly Wonderland! She was going to miss her school party that her class earned, so she was a bit torn. After going back and forth a few times, she decided on the field trip!
Thursday was the field trip to Butterfly Wonderland. Hailey and I had been there before and loved it, but I was almost dreading it because I didn't think Addy was going to like it at all. She did okay, but wanted held almost the whole time, and she did NOT like the butterflies to come by her...haha. We stopped by Mcdonalds for happy meals and then went home to play until Rachel came to pick up Elsie. After that us girls went to walk around Petsmart and check out the fish & animals. After that I surprised them with Bahama Bucks, our family is seriously obsessed with that place! LOVE it!!
Friday was a rainy day, and it was hard keeping the girls inside. We went and picked up munchkins from Dunkin Donuts and went to San Tan shopping plaza to go look at the puppies, Hailey's request! That girl and dogs! Because of the rain there was almost nobody out shopping, and nobody in the pet store. The lady working there asked Hailey which puppy she wanted to play with, and her eyes just lit up! We have been to this pet shop many times, because it is right by the splash pad we go to, and she's never been able to play with a puppy. They put us in a little room with it and it was hilarious! The puppy was so shy and just sat there. After about a minute, it was like someone flipped a switch, and it went BONKERS! It was hopping around, not walking, hopping, and running into walls. Hailey was laughing so hard, I was wondering what was wrong with the poor dog haha! Not much went on that day except for babysitting John, Reagan and Hannah for Jim and Gwen's date night.
Sunday was church and not much else. My lesson went surprisingly well, and the kids were mostly calm. We started early morning church six weeks ago, and it's been rough. The kids have been much more hyper than they were in later church. The rest of the day we relaxed and played outback.
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