Thursday, February 19, 2015

So many germs!

Man, for awhile it seemed like our girls were getting cold after cold.  They both had pretty bad coughs that seemed to hang on FOREVER!  Hailey's got better, but Addy's sounded horrible.  So, we brought her in just to be safe.  The doctor said her chest sounded good, but gave her some steroids to help break up the cough.  Luckily, she was old enough to drink the dose of steroids instead of getting a shot!  Last time she had shots, she completely wigged out for weeks and wouldn't even go to preschool without tears, poor girly! 

 Hailey happy to be at the doctor since it is not for her!!
 Hahaha, her face here is SO funny!  We were bored waiting for
the doctor so Addy was showing us her muscles!  Love
this silly silly girl of ours!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Fun with water balloons

Now that it is starting to warm up, the girls are always asking to play with water.  They love water balloons and spraying the hose on the trampoline.  I love it because it wears them out haha!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day

I know a lot of people hate Valentine's Day, and just see it has another expense to buy junk!  But....I LOVE it, mostly for the girls!  I love getting them something small, and having our "fancy" dinner.  It's all dollar store decorations, but they LOVE it!!

 Look at these cuties all in pink!  The girls LOVE
having Elsie over three days a week!

 Valentine's Day morning, gifts from us!  Two
candies and a new stuffed animal to join
the other 356,284 stuffed animals we have!
 Addy opening the card sweet Hailey made for her ♥♥


Addy playing school later that her students!

Cute little Addy writing her name on her Valentine's cards for class.
She was excited for her Hello Kitty cards!

 Addy checking out all of her Valentine's
from her preschool party!

Hailey helping with the heart shaped brownies for our dinner.
This girl LOVES to help in the kitchen, and I really
should let her do it more often.  Sweet girl!

 Pretty girly!
 Helping set the table.  I should lie and say they happily & lovingly
set our Valentine's table together, but....they fought like crazy haha!
The little turkeys have to compete with EVERYTHING they do!

 Pouring the root beer into our fancy shmancy plastic glasses!
 This vegetarian pizza was heaven!!  The girls, of course,
didn't touch it and opted for peperoni.


Saturday, February 7, 2015

Beauty Spa

I walked in on Hailey setting up a beauty spa for Addy.  It was so cute listening to them play.  Hailey was asking Addy, in an accent, what she would like done, silly girl!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Pet Shop Fun

The girls were bored, so we went on a little outing.  We went to two pet stores, and then I surprised them with a trip to Bahama Bucks, our favorite!!!  We were nice and brought one home for Jaren.