Monday, September 22, 2014


Just before monsoon season ended, we had the mother of all storms!!  It started at around one in the morning, and it lasted most of the day.  Hailey had school, which was a bummer!  The girls love to play in the rain together.  This storm was so bad, that roads and neighborhoods were flooding!  As Addy and I were on our way to the grocery store, the radio was urging people to stay home!  But, we desperately needed groceries, so off we went.  The radio was also saying some schools and businesses were closed, and what do ya know, when we got home from the store, Jaren was back home!  He said there was so much flooding, that he was having to take different routes to get to work, and his boss said they were closing for the day!  It was so awesome, but I was bummed that Hailey was the only one not home!  We didn't even tell her, or she would have been so sad, but we took the kayak in the retention basin that flooded!  It was SOOO funny!  People were stopping to take our picture!  Addy did not enjoy all!  She pretty much cried the whole time and wanted to go home, our little scaredy cat!!  We only stayed about thirty minutes, but later in the evening, neighbor kids and dads were playing in kayaks and canoes, so funny! 

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