Monday, September 22, 2014

Another rainy day

After the big rain storm, we had another smaller one.  Addy and I were on our way home from Sam's Club and it started pouring.  It didn't last too long, but long enough to flood the streets a bit and let Addy play in it! 


Just before monsoon season ended, we had the mother of all storms!!  It started at around one in the morning, and it lasted most of the day.  Hailey had school, which was a bummer!  The girls love to play in the rain together.  This storm was so bad, that roads and neighborhoods were flooding!  As Addy and I were on our way to the grocery store, the radio was urging people to stay home!  But, we desperately needed groceries, so off we went.  The radio was also saying some schools and businesses were closed, and what do ya know, when we got home from the store, Jaren was back home!  He said there was so much flooding, that he was having to take different routes to get to work, and his boss said they were closing for the day!  It was so awesome, but I was bummed that Hailey was the only one not home!  We didn't even tell her, or she would have been so sad, but we took the kayak in the retention basin that flooded!  It was SOOO funny!  People were stopping to take our picture!  Addy did not enjoy all!  She pretty much cried the whole time and wanted to go home, our little scaredy cat!!  We only stayed about thirty minutes, but later in the evening, neighbor kids and dads were playing in kayaks and canoes, so funny! 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mommy Daughter Date

I'm trying to spend more one on one time with Hailey Bug!  On Labor Day we had cousin Autumn come over and babysit Addy while we went to lunch and shopping.  Lunch wasn't anything special, just Wendy's, since Hailey has discovered she LOVES cheeseburgers!  Not just any one, Wendy's only haha!  And we went in to eat, which was fun for her (we usually just do drive through).  After lunch we went shopping for leotards for her tumbling class, to Payless for some ballet and church shoes, to a second hand store, and finally to Baskin Robbins.  It was a fun three hours! 

 Wendy's, her favorite, besides Red Robin, but we
were trying to save a little $$$.

 Hailey LOVED this little pink door at the
second hand shop, it said "kids only"...So cute!!

 Ice cream.  Too bad we just found out she has a dairy
intolerance!  She was broken hearted when I told her
she couldn't eat ice cream very often.  Poor girl.  Luckily
it is mostly drinking milk that gives her pains.

 Trying on leotards!  She had so much fun.  She kept
trying them on and organizing them in stacks from
least to favorite ones.  Ended up spending $65 on
her leotards and shoes!  Good thing tuition is
only $35 a month!  She was so happy to finally get
to wear colorful leotards instead of the more traditional
black ballet leotard she's had to wear for the past
four years!!

Recent pictures

Just some pictures from the past couple of weeks!  Man, my girls are probably so tired of me flashing the camera at them constantly!!

 Lunch date with Daddy!!

 This was on the way home from preschool. She made a little 
guy out of a toilet paper roll, and she was making his hair
blow out the window.  So cute how something so simple
could make her so happy!!  Love this sweet girly!

 Ice cream with Hannah and Gwen on my birthday.

 Such cute little cousins!  These two play so good together!

 Addy and I went shopping and she loved this
little animal she found!
 Aahhh....Bahama Bucks!  We have a huge addiction
to this place right now!  Like going three times a week addicted!!

 Opening Nana & Papas gift to her for her birthday!

 A little purse shaped activity book, she
was so excited!!

 Addy and Papa & Nana!  She loves them so much!!

 Hailey decided she was going to teach Addy some soccer 
before she started her soccer team, so cute! the monkey slippers for her soccer shoes!

 These girls love their bunny!  She really is the
easiest pet ever!!  And she hasn't even been digging
too many holes in the past month or so!  And Jaren
discovered she LOVES watermelon!  

 Hailey holding Katie's kitten.  This girl
would LOVE a kitten.  Too bad that's never going
to happen!  I got attacked by one years ago when it
wrapped itself around my leg and started clawing and
biting me!!  Now I'm a bit spooked by them!  She
says she is getting one when she grows up!

 We tried a new park one morning and spotted a coyote!

 Hard to see, but there were also about thirty wild love birds!
So strange to see such brightly colored birds out!

 I'm trying to hurry Fall to get here, so I made pumpkin
bread.  I couldn't find my moms recipe, so I searched for
one online and it was DELISH!!  Too bad I'm trying to 
lose weight and had to resist eating the whole thing!

 It was Jim & Gwen's turn for date night, so we had the
 kids over.  They looked so cute all snuggled up
watching Toothfairy!  Such cute little cousins!

Playing Rack-O with the cousins, such a fun game! funny!  Hailey loves to make people laugh. She put
Addy's doll glasses on and was cracking up!