Thursday, June 26, 2014

Elephant Toothpaste

I having been telling the girls for months that we would make elephant toothpaste, a science experiment that I saw on Pinterest.  A few weeks before Hailey got out of school, her teacher did it in class, but something went wrong and it basically exploded all over her and the ceiling.  Hailey thought it was pretty funny and said "I got to hear her scream, " so funny!  So, I finally picked up the stuff, and we did it when John came over to play.  I was a bit freaked thinking it would explode like Hailey's classroom experiment, so I think I had the kids a bit afraid...haha!  The first one we tried started bubbling and spitting out of the bottle a bit, but then it started foaming out like it was supposed to.  The kids loved pouring the ingredients and watching and playing with the foam.

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