Monday, February 4, 2013

Week of January 28th

This was a week of sickness!  Poor little Addy spent most of the week recovering from what she picked up last weekend.  She had a fever, was REALLY congested and had an ear infection.  She literally did not sleep more than  five hours a night for a few days because she couldn't breath  good.  I'm so glad she is over it!  Luckily Hailey never got it, and Jaren and I just got a touch of it, but nothing too bad. 

 Poor little sick girl :(

Feeling a little better.  She asked to take a bath 
about five times each day!!  Made her feel so much better.
Hailey LOVES chocolate sundaes!!

Hailey & Daddy playing Go Fish!  It's actually
really fun to play this with her because 
she makes the funniest comments 
when you take her cards.

 Surprised Hailey with a little mailbox and
some valentine letter writing supplies & stickers.
I love Target dollar section!!!

 She got straight to work writing her best friend Makenzey
a letter.  I love that she is learning to write and sound out
words.  She stuck a penny in the envelope and we
put it in the cute!

Addy got one too, but all she want to do is stuff
the Lalaloopsy dolls in it...haha.

Outside coloring with chalk.  Hailey made a huge design that
went down most of the sidewalk, she is getting to be quite the artist.

 Glow in the dark bath....the girls LOVED it!!

Jaren tossing lemons to Hailey.  We weren’t going to juice any this year, because Hailey gets SO many canker sores, and this would not be good for them.  However, she has been BEGGING to juice them, so guess we are doing to do it after all!

 We worked in the backyard for a few hours, trimming the trees, pulling
weeds, taking care of the garden and picking up toys.  The girls took
a break and watched some videos on Youtube.

 I've read that carrots are really easy to grow.  Not sure who is saying
that, because I am having no luck...haha.  Mine are little nubs.  I'm 
going to have to keep working at it until I get some decent carrots darn it!!
Either way, Hailey loves picking them out of the garden :)

 The peas are doing pretty good.  We have hundreds of 
blossoms and the pods are getting bigger.  I can't wait
until the girls can help pick them off, I know they will 
get a kick out of that!

 My spinach is finally growing without the bugs getting to it...yipee! 
Behind that is green onions and more lettuce!
 Some of our container gardening.  Doesn't look pretty, but the 
buckets were free.  The buckets have mostly carrots, potatoes
and green onions.  I have been waiting and waiting for the potatoes
to start growing, and finally today one did!  Yipeeee.  

 More lettuce, green onion and carrots.  We have more lettuce then
we know what to do with..haha.  I guess I went a little overboard
when I initially planted...oh well!

One last thing....the girls have wanted chocolate chip oatmeal
cookies for a LONG time.  Since I swore off baking in 2013, I haven't 
made any.  I caved and made a bunch, and to my surprise, I DO have will
power...haha.  I baked them all and didn't taste one single bite!  And that's 
huge for me, because I would easily eat ten cookies before...GO ME!!!

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