Sunday, February 24, 2013


We went to Walmart the other day, and they didn't have what we were looking for.  We ended up picking up two kites for the girls, and they each got to pick out a treat, they picked ring pops.  It was so cute pushing them in the cart, each holding their goodies, happy as could be.  They were a little sad though when they realized we couldn't go fly them right away.  We explained to Hailey that we needed it to be windy.  Lucky for her, Sunday turned out to be VERY windy...and COLD.  We packed a little lunch and headed for the park.  We froze, but had lots of fun flying the kites.

 So lucky to have married such a good guy
and great daddy to our girls ♥♥

 This pictures makes me laugh.  Her jacket is WAY too
big for her, and she kept trying to make me laugh.

 Sweet little Addy enjoying her peanut butter & honey sandwhich.

 Hailey and her Barbie kite.  It was blowing so hard that
she could barely hold onto the kite in this picture.

 Her second time flying a kite.  The first time she was three
and was freaking out because the kite was nose diving into her.
She hated it, but Jaren and I thought it was hilarious.   

 Helping Addy get her Dora kite up.

 She didn't like the wind AT ALL, but loved seeing
her kite way up in the sky.

 It was such a pretty day!

She loves her daddy ♥♥

 Being goofy!

 Playing at the park after kite flying.

 Slide time!!



Week of February 18th

This week was nice.  Jaren was off call and didn't have to work any late nights.  We went to the park a few times, and played some of the games we got for Christmas.  Not a whole lot went on, just got stuff done around the house and tried to spend time with the kids.  

 Jaren took the girls to the park while I got dinner
ready.  It was Addy's first time riding her bike instead 
of going in the stroller, and she LOVED it.

 Addy trying to do step aerobics.  When I am doing a video, she
always asks for her step, which is the WII board...haha.  As soon
as I finish though, she always gets on my step!

 Hailey stayed home from school one day because she slept on her
neck wrong and it was hurting her.  She pretty much laid around, 
except when we built a fort and made playdough.

 Making fun.

 This cutie was SO excited to get her hands in it.

 Hailey played "ice cream shop" and kept making us ice cream cones.

 We had a couple of stormy days this week, and one day it
actually snowed!  Hailey loved it, but Addy was scared.

 This was a picture when it first started, it actually got
quite a bit thicker then this. 

 Silly Hailey.

 Jaren's car with snow.

 Hailey trying to shovel snow out back...haha.

 Addy painting. I had promised them for two days that
we would get paint out, and we finally did it on Sunday.

Hailey painting a pretty rainbow.



The girls LOVE to pick stuff from the garden when it is ready!  I usually have to ask Hailey something a bazillion times before she finally answers.....but, if I say "do you want to pick carrots from the garden", she hauls booty over to do it as soon as the words leave my mouth...haha.  

We got our first decent looking carrot!  Up until today, all
of our carrots have been mangled little nubs. 

I love Hailey's silly little pose with these carrots. We pulled
them out of the ground and these two looked like they
were giving each other a hug...haha.

We pulled a bunch more, and they were pretty decent size too.
We ended up making honey roasted carrots for dinner and 
they were DELICIOUS!!  Although Hailey didn't think 
so....I guess she just likes to pick the carrots
instead of eat them....little stinker!

So cute!!  Sweet little sisters gardening together ♥♥
I told them they could cut the cilantro down, and they
had a lot of fun.  Hailey was really good at trying
to teach Addy how to use the scissors.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Proud Mama!

I am such a proud Mama!  This little "just turned six" year old can read entire books!!  Crazy!  I mean, I know she is learning a lot in school, but it's so cool to sit down and have her read an entire book.  In her class, they have to learn a list of forty words by sight before they can be in the book club and take home books from the classroom.  Hailey made it into the book club on the first test.  We are so proud of her!!


Valentine's Day

I wanted to make a bunch of crafts I saw on Pinterest for Valentine's Day, but I just never got around to it.  Bummer, maybe next year.  One thing I knew I definitely wanted to do was start  a fancy Valentine's dinner with our little family.  I headed over to the dollar store and picked up a few decorations for cheap.  The dinner was a success.  The girls loved helping decorate the table, and had fun with our "fancy" dinner.  We had a heart shaped pizza, red kool-aid in fancy glasses, strawberries, red grapes and chocolate cake with pink sprinkles.  We even had candles, which they of course loved.  I'm excited to start this little tradition with them.

Scored major mom points by giving them their Valentines
first thing in the morning.  Who doesn't like eating
chocolate at the crack of dawn?

This cute little girl got to help me make the 
chocolate coca cola cake....Mmmmmm.

Our fancy table, all set!

Enjoying their pizza.

Haha....I love this picture of Addy with her
diaper sticking out drinking out of
her fancy cup.

 We "hearted" Hailey's wall.  When she came home from
school and saw it she came out and said "thank you mommy",
giving me a big hug ♥♥

Last couple of weeks...

I am so bummed, I deleted all the pictures I took a couple weeks ago,  by total accident.  I hit the wrong button....def won't do that again!  Since I didn't have pictures, I didn't blog, and I really don't remember what went on in the Petersen household that week.  

This past week was school and activities as usual, along with a little more sickness.  I cannot wait until summer just to get rid of all of these germs going around this winter.  Jaren and I started getting sick again, but luckily it only lasted a few days.  Poor Hailey woke up at midnight with horrible ear pain.  Off to urgent care we went.  Poor girly had a really bad infection.  She cried off and on throughout the night, and didn't sleep much at all.  The next day was her valentine's party at school, and she insisted on going.  I think she didn't want to miss out on all that candy...haha.  

Our beautiful ballerina.  Hailey was SO excited to get her recital costume.  This is her third year in dance and her first year she doesn’t have an animal costume.  I love the picture on the right….our “not so graceful” ballerina….haha.  She is so cute!!

 Addy playing her fun little game.  And of course she had to act like
 a dog and go fetch the dice with her mouth...silly girl!

Hailey working on her Valentine cards for school.  She loved
writing her name on all of them and counting them to
make sure there was exactly twenty-five.

Jaren was cleaning up leaves in the back yard when the girls 
decided to collect them into a bin and dump them to make
a big pile to jump into. It was freezing out, but they kept
working on it until they had a decent pile.

SO fun!!  

Could these girls be any cuter!?  I don't think so.  Two seconds after
I snapped this picture, Addy got stabbed in the eye with either a 
stick or Hailey's finger, and the happiness was over! 

 Addy helping Jaren make the BEST ice cream that EVER existed!
Jaren has been finding really yummy recipes
online.  Every one we try ends up being awesome!!  This one
is for butter pecan ice cream, and it is to die for!  Too bad I'm 
on a diet and have only been able to eat a couple of bites!

The girls walked out in these outfits, and for a second I thought
to myself "wait, what month is this?"  Haha...they love to 
dress up. I love Hailey's mean witch face!

Hailey's new way to watch tv...haha.

We finally got to pick some peas!  Silly Hailey was out picking them with
no shirt on!  The girls had fun splitting them open and getting the
little peas out. Even Addy could do it!

Our tomato seedlings.  We decided to plant from seed this year
to save money on buying plants.  They are under a grow light
in the kitchen.  It's fun seeing how much they grow overnight.  
If they all mature, we will have quite a few tomato plants!!


Monday, February 4, 2013

Week of January 28th

This was a week of sickness!  Poor little Addy spent most of the week recovering from what she picked up last weekend.  She had a fever, was REALLY congested and had an ear infection.  She literally did not sleep more than  five hours a night for a few days because she couldn't breath  good.  I'm so glad she is over it!  Luckily Hailey never got it, and Jaren and I just got a touch of it, but nothing too bad. 

 Poor little sick girl :(

Feeling a little better.  She asked to take a bath 
about five times each day!!  Made her feel so much better.
Hailey LOVES chocolate sundaes!!

Hailey & Daddy playing Go Fish!  It's actually
really fun to play this with her because 
she makes the funniest comments 
when you take her cards.

 Surprised Hailey with a little mailbox and
some valentine letter writing supplies & stickers.
I love Target dollar section!!!

 She got straight to work writing her best friend Makenzey
a letter.  I love that she is learning to write and sound out
words.  She stuck a penny in the envelope and we
put it in the cute!

Addy got one too, but all she want to do is stuff
the Lalaloopsy dolls in it...haha.

Outside coloring with chalk.  Hailey made a huge design that
went down most of the sidewalk, she is getting to be quite the artist.

 Glow in the dark bath....the girls LOVED it!!

Jaren tossing lemons to Hailey.  We weren’t going to juice any this year, because Hailey gets SO many canker sores, and this would not be good for them.  However, she has been BEGGING to juice them, so guess we are doing to do it after all!

 We worked in the backyard for a few hours, trimming the trees, pulling
weeds, taking care of the garden and picking up toys.  The girls took
a break and watched some videos on Youtube.

 I've read that carrots are really easy to grow.  Not sure who is saying
that, because I am having no luck...haha.  Mine are little nubs.  I'm 
going to have to keep working at it until I get some decent carrots darn it!!
Either way, Hailey loves picking them out of the garden :)

 The peas are doing pretty good.  We have hundreds of 
blossoms and the pods are getting bigger.  I can't wait
until the girls can help pick them off, I know they will 
get a kick out of that!

 My spinach is finally growing without the bugs getting to it...yipee! 
Behind that is green onions and more lettuce!
 Some of our container gardening.  Doesn't look pretty, but the 
buckets were free.  The buckets have mostly carrots, potatoes
and green onions.  I have been waiting and waiting for the potatoes
to start growing, and finally today one did!  Yipeeee.  

 More lettuce, green onion and carrots.  We have more lettuce then
we know what to do with..haha.  I guess I went a little overboard
when I initially planted...oh well!

One last thing....the girls have wanted chocolate chip oatmeal
cookies for a LONG time.  Since I swore off baking in 2013, I haven't 
made any.  I caved and made a bunch, and to my surprise, I DO have will
power...haha.  I baked them all and didn't taste one single bite!  And that's 
huge for me, because I would easily eat ten cookies before...GO ME!!!