Had a fun, relaxing weekend. Saturday Jaren went to work, while us girls stayed home and got stuff done around the house. Makenzey came over for most of the day and the girls PLAYED PLAYED PLAYED! I tried putting Addy down for a nap but she was like "Uh...no way", since Makenzey was over...haha. Later that night I ran to Sprouts for some fresh fruit for my healthy eating quest. We had bacon, egg and avocado tacos for dinner. It's a healthy recipe Jaren found and it was AWESOME!! We used turkey bacon, so it was pretty low-fat. Ended the night with both girls going to bed early and Jaren & I getting to read some new books we bought recently. Sunday us girls went to church and then we relaxed the rest of the day. Next week it's back to school for Hailey (she's been on Christmas break). Even though there was plenty of bickering going on, I really loved having her be home all day again. But...it will be nice to get back into a schedule too!
Addy LOVES to take baths and usually asks
to take one during the middle of the day!
Hailey & Makenzey playing Spot It....such a fun game!
The girls playing store.
Addy kicking back in her crib. She learned to climb in, but fell
when she got out, so she has no interest in that....YEAH! We
want to keep her in it for a while longer.
They built up the pillows and jumped on them for a good
forty-five minutes! Let's hope it tires them out for bedtime!!
Stuffing their cute little faces with cookies!!
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