Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sweet Hailey

Thought this was so cute!  Jaren went to get Hailey tucked into bed and found her getting her dolls and animals tucked in!  So cute.  I'm sad that one day she will stop playing with these dolls :(

 So cute!!

 All ready for bed!

I guess the kittens were sleeping in her shopping cart..haha.

Rainy Days

The past three days we have had rain.  I normally LOVE the rain, but....it is keeping my kids cooped up in the house and they are driving me BONKERS!!!  It was mostly a drizzle for three days, and our backyard ended up a sopping mess. Water pools up in several areas of the backyard, so if we let them play outside, being kids, they just cannot resist playing in the water.  It was pretty darn cold out, so that wasn't gonna fly with me!  Anyhow, on one of the days I had promised the girls a trip to the park if it wasn't raining.  It wasn't when we left, but we walked home in it, which was actually kind of fun!  

 Ready to Go!

She was so excited to go to the park, I've never seen her 
put her shoes on so fast!!!

This girl would swing all day if we let her!

Happy to be outside!

 Only a kid would think it's fun to put sand all over your clothes...haha.

and bury yourself!


It didn't take Hailey long to notice all of the leaves.  This
girl LOVES leaves.  They have been near the pick up
area at her school and I always have to wait a minute or
two so she can gather some up and toss them in the air!



 Cute girl!

 She would probably still be there playing
with them if I hadn't made her leave...haha.

 Silly Hailey!

 Addy wanted in on the fun too!

 Sisters ♥♥

Addy tried to throw them a little too.

Night night!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cute Sisters....

I love it when they play so good together...

Big sister giving Addy a ride on the swings!

Hailey celebrated her 100th day of kindergarten today at school.  I bought these yummy sugar cookies to celebrate at home.  Yikes, this picture makes me realize what a mess our backyard is!!

Feeling Blessed

Feeling blessed today!  Just thinking of how lucky I am to be able to stay home with my sweet little Addy all day!  She is the BEST two year old that ever existed!  She gets cranky and throws fits, but it's rare.  And these past couple of weeks, she has not been napping, so she gets really tired and emotional towards the afternoon and evening, but even so,she is SO good!  She is my little people pleaser.  She loves to help, loves to smile, loves to give kisses and when she says "wuv you too Momma", it makes my day!  

 Helping put the tomatillos in the blender.  She was SO 
happy when I asked her to help me!!

 Licking the spoon from the frosting we made to go 
with our strawberry shortcake kabobs....Mmmmmm.

Look at that cute little messy face!!

 This girl LOVES treats...maybe that's why she is so sweet♥♥

Stealing my Crystal Light....little stinker.  I need to get her 
one of these cups because she is obsessed with mine!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week of January 14th

Another week here and gone, time feels like it is flying.  I feel like it was just Christmas, and now were are halfway through January!  Not a whole lot went on this past week.  Hailey had school and activities, Jaren had a bunch of late nights at work, and Addy and I just hung around the house & ran errands.  One really sad thing did happened....Addy has just about given up her naps...haha....sniff sniff.  I'm really lucky that she is a very well behaved toddler for the most part, and I don't actually mind having her up all day, although the break is nice!  We just have to deal with her having meltdowns in the evenings because she gets to be REALLY tired!

 Promised Hailey she could make brownies after school.  The 
girls LOVED them and ate them with homemade frozen
yogurt that Jaren made...MMMMM.  We are loving
our new ice cream maker!

 You can't see it, but in her hands is the chocolate
syrup pouch that comes with the brownies...haha.
This girl takes after her momma and LOVES
anything & everything chocolate!!

 Addy is my little helper.  She wants to be right there
with me no matter what I am doing.  She got to 
put the cheese on the chili rellenos.

We had a few days freezing weather.  Hailey was being my
little helper and covering the garden.  Luckily most of
the it survived, which made me HAPPY!!

Hailey was setting out some toys filled with water
to see if they would freeze during the night....they did partially.

She made a cage outside for all of her dog stuffed animals.  She
hugged them goodnight and said she would see them in the morning.
Two hours later she said they HAD to come in the house, so Jaren
went out in the freezing cold and gathered them all up for her...silly girl!

Who knew buttons could be so much fun?  Addy played with 
them for an hour!  She dumped them from bowl to bowl, then
had fun with a measuring cup and a funnel.  

 The girls helping make wheat bread.  It didn't turn out
very good, it was kind of dry.  When we make white bread,
it gets gobbled up, but this just sat on the counter.  I definitley
need to learn to make a better wheat bread!!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Week of Jan 7th

This week we got back into the swing of things.  It was back to school and back to Hailey's activities, dance & piano.  Jaren was off phones, so that was really nice.  We didn't do much because it has been FREEZING cold out....supposedly the coldest in Arizona in twenty years!  Hailey has been loving going outside and seeing ice formed on her toys and in the yard and on the sidewalks.  This weekend we did a lot of organizingWhen I say we, I really mean JarenHe LOVES organization.  He has organized my kitchen more times than I can count.  He organizes it, I mess it up...haha.  This morning while making pancakes, I couldn't find my wisk.  I told him it felt like I was in a new kitchen.  He said "your welcome"...haha.  I said "I mean that in a bad way".  Only kidding, I really do like it when he organizes :)  Hailey had a birthday party on Sunday for her best friend Makenzey, and the girls played the rest of the day.  They were tired out and went to bed by seven o'clock, and Jaren and I ended the weekend by watching a movie.  As usual, I fell asleep during it :)  

 Addy gave it a shot at potty training...but she's not quite there.  She
wants her diaper changed right before she's about to go, so she knows 
she needs to go, but she isn't too fond of the potty chair yet.  Maybe in
a few months she will get there :) 

 I LOVE having girls!  We went for a walk and Addy loaded up
her triple doll stroller to take her babies with us....SO CUTE!!

 "Hello?"  Talking to Papa on the Wii nunchuck...haha.

 Hailey playing Wii.  I love her mismatched socks!  And
man is this girl growing.  This dress was bought four months
ago and almost came to her knees!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week of Dec 31st

Had a fun, relaxing weekend.  Saturday Jaren went to work, while us girls stayed home and got stuff done around the house.  Makenzey came over for most of the day and the girls PLAYED PLAYED PLAYED!  I tried putting Addy down for a nap but she was like "Uh...no way", since Makenzey was over...haha.  Later that night I ran to Sprouts for some fresh fruit for my healthy eating quest.  We had bacon, egg and avocado tacos for dinner.  It's a healthy recipe Jaren found and it was AWESOME!!  We used turkey bacon, so it was pretty low-fat.  Ended the night with both girls going to bed early and Jaren & I getting to read some new books we bought recently.  Sunday us girls went to church and then we relaxed the rest of the day.  Next week it's back to school for Hailey (she's been on Christmas break).  Even though there was plenty of bickering going on, I really loved having her be home all day again.  But...it will be nice to get back into a schedule too!

 Addy LOVES to take baths and usually asks
to take one during the middle of the day!

 Hailey & Makenzey playing Spot It....such a fun game!

 The girls playing store.

 Addy kicking back in her crib.  She learned to climb in, but fell
when she got out, so she has no interest in that....YEAH!  We
want to keep her in it for a while longer.
 They built up the pillows and jumped on them for a good
forty-five minutes!  Let's hope it tires them out for bedtime!!

 Stuffing their cute little faces with cookies!!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Carrots in the Garden

We picked the first carrots today from our garden.  I didn't realize I hadn't thinned them out enough, so they ended up REALLY tiny...or really cute according to Hailey...haha.

 We pulled a few and decided to let the rest
grow just a little bit longer.

Hailey said "look, I'm getting married"....haha.

The Girls

I love taking pictures of the girls, especially when something funny happens.....

 Like this one...haha I love it!

Or this one where Addy looks like a little
squirrel with her cheeks filled up!

Addy's cheesy smile ♥♥♥

Sweet sisters! 


Addy LOVES her princess dress!

Addy was being a little stinker and would not smile :)

Could this girl get any cuter? I don't think so!!!  Love 
my Hailey Bugs ♥♥♥♥