Friday, October 19, 2012

Random Pics

Just a bunch of random pics....

The girls were playing library through the window of the
play kitchen.  Hailey would write down your name, and
give you a book.  She made me pay for mine...haha.

After playing for awhile she gave me a letter sealed in
an envelope.  She handed it to me and said "mom, I 
have very sad news for you."  I opened the letter, 
and Hailey told me it said "I'm very sorry, but 
the library is closed for ten weeks."  Silly girl!

The girls helping "cut the cheese" for the queso dip
we were making.  Haha...we are immature!

Ice cream cones in the tub....MMMMMMM.

Hailey can be really helpful with Addy.  Jaren was putting 
the shed together outback and both girls wanted to go out, 
but needed shoes on.  Yes, Hailey was going out in only
her underwear and shoes...goofball!

Hailey in her trundle bed we bought off of Craigslist. 
The plan was to have both girls in the same bedroom,

but with Addy waking up at 5ish in the morning lately,
we are thinking about waiting awhile longer. 

 We are headed to California on vacation in about
a week, and Hailey wanted to make a countdown chain!

Every single morning, the girls run down the sidewalk
to race Jaren as he leaves for work.  This morning
they broke out the cozy coupes to race...SO cute.
I told them to stop so I could take a picture and Hailey
said "we can't, we are on the freeway!"

 Hailey wrestling with her cousin John.  They LOVE
to wrestle, as you can tell by the smile on her face!

Practicing karate with John.


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