Saturday, October 27, 2012

Trunk or Treating

I'm not gonna lie, today was a crappy day, and the whole
trick-or-treat experience kind of sucked!  Jaren had to
work , then went out for a well deserved four-wheel drive
ride with his nephew.  I was fighting a migraine most of the day, 
dealt with two whiny, fighting kids, all while trying to pack for
our trip to California.

I know I shouldn't complain, but I feel like the whole Halloween 
experience was a bust!  Getting the girls in their costumes and taking
pictures with tears was no fun for any of us.   We went to a ward trunk or treat,
and literally stayed about twenty minutes and left.  We had started around for candy, and Addy threw a major fit.  She basically went limp and screamed bloody murder.  That was the last straw to my
crappy day, and I grabbed the girls and left.  I felt so guilty because Hailey barley got to have any
fun.  I know they don't know any better, but I had major mom guilt going on.  Hailey knew I was
really frustrated, and was super sweet the rest of the day.  The whole thing was just
not the memory making experience that I wanted it to be.  Oh well, maybe next year.
Tomorrow we are heading off to California and I think I will throw in their costumes
just in case we decide to do a little trick or treating while we are there. 

One more thing to add to my crappy day, darn blogger will not align my paragraphs up right....arghh, ok I'm done being a whiny baby!!

Our "not so happy" ladybug!

There's a smile!!

Our cute little witch!

Pumpkin Carving & Cookie Decorating

I was getting a little bummed out
that we were going to be gone on the actual day of Halloween, so
we decided to carve our pumpkins & decorate cookies a little
early this year.  Jaren ended up working pretty late and missed
out, and the girls were obviously no help at all carving the 
pumpkins, so I did FOUR by myself.  The carving is fun, it's
scraping the guts out that takes time.

 Loading up the pumpkins!

Pictures before cutting the pumpkins!  Hailey had
fun trying to balance on them :)

Cute little Addy!

Haha....Hailey on the teeter totter with her pumpkin.

The girls in their cute Halloween aprons & Hailey scooping out the seeds.
She only scooped out a tiny bit, then she decided to......

play with the fake mice instead.  It was so cute listening to her, 
the pumpkins were the homes for the mice.  


Checking out the carved pumpkins.

The girls were SOOOO excited to see the pumpkins lit up.  
They couldn't wait to show daddy!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Weather & Our Garden

Hooray for cooler weather....

It's finally starting to get out of the 90's and
I am SO excited.  I love this time of year when
the girls can play outback and run off some energy 
while I cook dinner or get stuff done around the house.

Our winter grass is coming in, and the Fall garden
is planted, let's just hope we get some actual vegetables out of it.
Last year we had about half of the garden do good, the other half was
a total FLOP!  I got really lazy last year and just threw seeds down and
didn't do any thinning, bad idea!  This year I wrote down planting dates,
days to harvest, plan on thinning them For SURE and have been
making sure they get plenty of water.  We planted lettuce, peas, spinach,
cabbage, beets, carrots, green onion & radishes.  I hope they all do good!

Piano Lessons

This little girl looks SO cute practicing the piano!
She just started lessons and is a doing great job!
She really seems to enjoy it and gets VERY excited when
she gets learns her lesson each week!  Way to go Hailey!!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Random Pics

Just a bunch of random pics....

The girls were playing library through the window of the
play kitchen.  Hailey would write down your name, and
give you a book.  She made me pay for mine...haha.

After playing for awhile she gave me a letter sealed in
an envelope.  She handed it to me and said "mom, I 
have very sad news for you."  I opened the letter, 
and Hailey told me it said "I'm very sorry, but 
the library is closed for ten weeks."  Silly girl!

The girls helping "cut the cheese" for the queso dip
we were making.  Haha...we are immature!

Ice cream cones in the tub....MMMMMMM.

Hailey can be really helpful with Addy.  Jaren was putting 
the shed together outback and both girls wanted to go out, 
but needed shoes on.  Yes, Hailey was going out in only
her underwear and shoes...goofball!

Hailey in her trundle bed we bought off of Craigslist. 
The plan was to have both girls in the same bedroom,

but with Addy waking up at 5ish in the morning lately,
we are thinking about waiting awhile longer. 

 We are headed to California on vacation in about
a week, and Hailey wanted to make a countdown chain!

Every single morning, the girls run down the sidewalk
to race Jaren as he leaves for work.  This morning
they broke out the cozy coupes to race...SO cute.
I told them to stop so I could take a picture and Hailey
said "we can't, we are on the freeway!"

 Hailey wrestling with her cousin John.  They LOVE
to wrestle, as you can tell by the smile on her face!

Practicing karate with John.


Growing up

This girl is growing up right before my eyes!  Lately
she has been looking so much "older" to me.  Glad
for new things to come, but sad to see my little
girl getting so big!

I still can't believe she is in school, and about to
be six years old in a couple of months.  She is
starting to read, write, go on roller coasters and
do all sorts of "big girl" things.   

She is our little tender hearted girl with
a HUGE stubborn streak!!!  We 
our little Hailey Bug!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

So FUN!!

I remember riding on these carts when I was little while with my 
dad at the store.  The girls LOVE these.  Wish I was two or five again 
and was able to find the simplest things to make me happy!  

Schnepf Farms

Jaren had Friday off so we decided to take the girls to Schnepf Farms for their Fall Festival.  We had been there a few times before, but this trip was the best yet.  The weather was nice, around 78, and it was not crowded at all.  Hailey loved the rides this year, and Addy was able to go on some too!  It was a nice, relaxing way to spend the day!  No fighting, bickering or whining, and Addy didn't even have a nap!

On the way...SO excited!

Silly Girl!!

She was saying "heavy"....haha.

LOVE this picture of Hailey.  This was the first time she
braved the swings and she looks SO happy ♥♥

Riding the Bumble Bees.

The jump pillow...lots of fun!

Waiting in line & going on the roller coaster!  She LOVED it!

My FAVORITE part, the four seated bike.  We laughed so hard riding this!
We were pedaling so hard through the little forest on the dirt road, and the
girls were just bouncing along in the front fun!

 Hailey on the trikes & Addy on the play set. 

Going through the corn maze & the girls going down the slide!

 Gotta have the cut-out pictures!!

Carousel pictures! 

Cherry Italian was SOOO yummy!  Addy getting tired.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

A girl and her boots....

There is just something SO cute about a kid in boots ♥♥

Can Stilts

I totally forgot about these until I saw them on Pinterest.  I knew right away that Hailey would LOVE them.  While she was gone to the zoo with cousins, Addy and I found some cans in the pantry & painted them yellow.  Hailey LOVED them.  She started walking in them and looked and Jaren and I and said "how old do you think I am", since she was taller.  So cute!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Addy & the Vacuum

Sweet little Addy just loves the regular vacuum, but when I break out the shop vac, watch out!  Poor little girl is TERRIFIED of it.  Today I took it out to clean under the couches and when I went to find her two different times, this is what I saw.......SO CUTE!

Hiding behind the curtains!

Under the coffee table.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Haircut for Addy

Last time I tried to cut Addy's bangs a little, she moved, and I totally butchered them.  She still looked super cute though!  That was a few months ago, and now the poor girl has had her bangs in her eyes lately, and her hair is so fine that clips do not stay in too well, so I took her to one of those cute little haircut places for kids.  They just trimmed her bangs and evened out the back.  She didn't like it at first, but then got into it.  She got to pick out a Dora show and sit in a red firetruck and a yellow car.  So cute!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


I feel so blessed to have been able to make the choice 
to finally quit my job and be a stay-at-home mom.
Although some days I feel like I'm going CRAZY, I
love having my little sidekick with me.

 Jumping on Mommy & Daddy's bed is always fun!

She was SO excited to get her nails painted!

Fun with blocks!

 She was coloring with chalk and ended up like 
this....Haha.  Jaren said it looks like warrior paint!