Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week of May 14th, 2012

Monday was a normal Monday, dance for Hailey and doing laundry. I must be weird, because I actually enjoy doing laundry. I think I just enjoy the accomplished feeling of getting it done. Addy took a two hour nap, then us girls headed off to Sam's club and Fresh & Easy for fruit and vegetables. I am trying to incorporate more fruits & veggies into our diet, we eat pretty bad, it's embarrassing. Hailey actually told me the other day "mommy, we need to eat more vegetables, like every day, because we almost never have them". Yikes. I'm pretty sure she just wanted to make me proud of her that she wanted to eat more vegetables, because getting her to actually EAT them is a whole different story. I did manage to walk three miles on the treadmill and eat healthy, which felt great! Tuesday was water day for Hailey at preschool. She was SO super excited. While she was at school Addy & I went for a walk with the neighbors, the Wigleys. It was 95 degrees at nine o'clock in the morning! After preschool Hailey played at cousin John's house for a couple of hours, and then with Makenzey when she came home. Those girls are so cute together and are really into playing school right now. Wednesday was gymnastics and visiting Nana & Papa for a little bit. Thursday was Hailey's preschool graduation, and then we took off to Pindale to cooler weather! While at Pinedale Jaren prepped the house for painting, which will hopefully get done in the next couple of weeks. It was so windy there the first day, Addy was knocked over a few times. Jaren worked so hard scraping the house for painting, replacing some wood and some other odds and ins, while the girls played. This is our second time up with the girls, and I slept awful both times. Awful like waking up ten times a night! We came back Saturday night. We had fun, but it was nice to be back in our own beds. Sunday was spent doing five loads of laundry and cleaning and organizing the house. 

 Girls loved the new porch!

 Cute little sisters!!

 Sweet Hailey Bug!

 They loved walking around the area. 

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