Sunday, April 29, 2012

Week of April 23rd, 2012

Despite Addy waking up at 5AM again and not napping much, Monday was a good day. In the morning we worked in the garden a bit, Hailey had dance class where she is practicing her part in Snow White, we watched a little tv, did mom school and went to the grocery store. We had Jaren's brother's family over for dinner and the kids played. It is getting WAY too hot out, I'm thinking our next get together needs to involve swimming! Tuesday was school for Hailey, while Addy napped and I cleaned up around the house. I'm so happy that she is back to her regular naps! In the afternoon we practiced letters and went swimming. That evening we did a project on kindness. The girls got to decorate a jar for themselves. We talked about being kind and they are going to get marbles in their jar for kind acts, and rocks when they do something not so kind, Hailey really caught onto the concept. Wednesday was a lazy day because I had a migraine most of the day. The girls went to Nana & Papa's in the afternoon to get babysat by Aunt Katie while I got my haircut. Then Hailey had gymnastics, we had takeout for dinner then I went to the movies with Gwen and her sister. We saw The Lucky One, it was pretty good. Thursday was school for Hailey and I had a doctor appointment for my foot and was told I no longer had to wear the boot...yippeeee. Friday I woke up with a horrible sore throat so we just hung out around the house all day. I was having a SERIOUS chocolate craving and Nana & Katie surprised me and dropped some by...MMMMMM. Nana also brought a magazine on California vacation destinations so we could start planning our family vacation. I'm thinking a bed and breakfast on the beach, but we will see. Possibly Disney Land. We went out to water the garden and I turned around and Addy was painting herself with mud...haha. This girl LOVES LOVES LOVES mud. So...we decided to eat pizza outside and play in the baby pool. It was a nice evening! Saturday Jaren worked and the girls and I went to Hailey's dance rehearsal. That evening we went to Jim & Gwens so Jaren and Jim could work on railing for Pinedale and the kids swam. Sunday we got up and did some cleaning and Jaren cleaned the backyard and pulled weeds and trimmed bushes. I wasn't feeling that great from a cold so I didn't do much. Looking forward to next weekend because we are going to Pinedale so Jaren and Jim can add railing to the porch. Favorite things the girls said this week: Hailey said "mom and dad we should go to South Dakota for our family vacation because there are lots of mountains we could climb". Haha she cracks me up. Addy "oh cwap", lol. She is also started saying "K". I will tell her to be a good girl and she will say "Kaayyyyy". So cute!

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