Sunday, April 29, 2012
Week of April 23rd, 2012
Despite Addy waking up at 5AM again and not napping much, Monday was a good day. In the morning we worked in the garden a bit, Hailey had dance class where she is practicing her part in Snow White, we watched a little tv, did mom school and went to the grocery store. We had Jaren's brother's family over for dinner and the kids played. It is getting WAY too hot out, I'm thinking our next get together needs to involve swimming! Tuesday was school for Hailey, while Addy napped and I cleaned up around the house. I'm so happy that she is back to her regular naps! In the afternoon we practiced letters and went swimming. That evening we did a project on kindness. The girls got to decorate a jar for themselves. We talked about being kind and they are going to get marbles in their jar for kind acts, and rocks when they do something not so kind, Hailey really caught onto the concept. Wednesday was a lazy day because I had a migraine most of the day. The girls went to Nana & Papa's in the afternoon to get babysat by Aunt Katie while I got my haircut. Then Hailey had gymnastics, we had takeout for dinner then I went to the movies with Gwen and her sister. We saw The Lucky One, it was pretty good. Thursday was school for Hailey and I had a doctor appointment for my foot and was told I no longer had to wear the boot...yippeeee. Friday I woke up with a horrible sore throat so we just hung out around the house all day. I was having a SERIOUS chocolate craving and Nana & Katie surprised me and dropped some by...MMMMMM. Nana also brought a magazine on California vacation destinations so we could start planning our family vacation. I'm thinking a bed and breakfast on the beach, but we will see. Possibly Disney Land. We went out to water the garden and I turned around and Addy was painting herself with mud...haha. This girl LOVES LOVES LOVES mud. So...we decided to eat pizza outside and play in the baby pool. It was a nice evening! Saturday Jaren worked and the girls and I went to Hailey's dance rehearsal. That evening we went to Jim & Gwens so Jaren and Jim could work on railing for Pinedale and the kids swam. Sunday we got up and did some cleaning and Jaren cleaned the backyard and pulled weeds and trimmed bushes. I wasn't feeling that great from a cold so I didn't do much. Looking forward to next weekend because we are going to Pinedale so Jaren and Jim can add railing to the porch.
Favorite things the girls said this week:
Hailey said "mom and dad we should go to South Dakota for our family vacation because there are lots of mountains we could climb". Haha she cracks me up.
Addy "oh cwap", lol. She is also started saying "K". I will tell her to be a good girl and she will say "Kaayyyyy". So cute!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Monday, April 23, 2012
Week of April 16th, 2012
Why? Why? Why??!!! is my nineteen month old waking up at 5:30 every morning like clock work? Not just like her little internal clock is set that way, it's almost like an outside noise or something just started waking her up, I dunno, but it's driving me NUTS. It's like the same time, by a couple of minutes EVERY day! Oh well, besides being a LOT tired this week, not much went on. Monday I braved the grocery store with both girls. I went in armed with suckers for Addy :) Hailey went to dance, we ran a couple of errands, went to the park to discover it is too hot to go to the park, swam in the baby pool and did mom school with Hailey who is doing excellent working on her numbers. I had ordered a doll house off of Ebay that I played with when I was young, called Oh Jenny. Hailey has been waiting for a week for the UPS guy to drop it off. It finally came Monday and she was beyond excited. I had so much fun opening it and showing it to her, she played with it for a couple of hours. Tuesday Hailey had school and afterwards we went to the mall with a friend. Addy had a doctor appointment to get her ears checked, but everything was fine. Wednesday and Thursday Addy kept running a fever and was super cranky and still waking up early, so I took her to urgent care and they said she had ear infections, go figure. Hailey got to pick the first of our cucumbers from the garden, and was so excited. Then I found out that she had gotten into the extra cucumber seeds and planted them all over the backyard, silly girl. We will see if they actually grow. Friday was a great day. Addy was feeling better and we went to visit Nana & Papa in the morning. Saturday we got up and washed the car, then dropped off the kids and Nana & Papa's house while Jaren and I went out to lunch. Hailey got to play with three friends, one who invited her over to play in a bounce house water slide. Something really cool happened, I went to Albertsons for strawberries and when I checked out they said I won a 32 inch tv! I couldn't believe it, it was awesome! We ended the night with a UFC party at our house. Sunday we woke up and went to the park to feed the ducks and then went to visit grandma and grandpa Petersen. Looking forward to next week with hopefully no sicknesses at our house and kids sleeping in until at least six o'clock!
Favorite things the girls said:
Hailey asked me "mom, is the common house fly real?" She is so funny.
Addy is talking so much, some things she says are "there it is, oh gosh, oh geez, mamma, dadda, Hay Yee (Hailey), baba, gaga, up, pease, welcome, yes, right there, ouch, ruff ruff. We love trying to get her to talk.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
What's happening....
Jaren is busy working at a funeral home. He works days and some evenings here and there and stays very busy. Along with working his regular hours, he answers the phones when they are closed, every other week. Jaren is excellent at what he does and has such sincerity when he meets with the families and plans their loved one's funeral. I tell him he is perfect for this type of business. I am proud of what a hard worker he is. A year ago, I quit my job of thirteen years at the police department to be home with the girls. It was a decision we went over and over in our heads. After Addy was born, I went back to work for about six weeks. I just couldn't stand to have the girls in day care anymore. We crunched some numbers and lucky for me, I get to be home with them! I stay pretty busy with the girls and taking care of the house stuff. I feel overwhelmed a lot, but I still love it. I am LOVING Pinterest right now, and have a slight addiction to Facebook :) I love trying new recipes and am slowly teaching myself to sew. Hailey is five and is our little firecracker. She is a very tender hearted, caring little girl, but has a defiant streak in her and loves to push your buttons! She is in her second year of preschool right now and will be starting kindergarten in August. I'm not sure if she is excited or not, I think she's leaning towards not. She is also in her second year of dance & tumbling class with Mrs. Wendy. In June she will have a recital at Mesa High School where she will play a bunny in the play Snow White, she is SUPER excited. We also just started her in gymnastics, which she is loving. She goes once a week, and is really getting the hang of it. Hailey loves to sing and does it all day long. It's so cute, especially when I hear her singing something current on the radio, like Adele. Hailey loves playing with anything animal related and would love to have a pet one day. She has a best friend named Makenzey who lives right next door who is also five and has a birthday on the same day as her. Addy is nineteen months old. She is our little silly girl. She has the sweetest little personality. She is talking up a storm and loves to do anything Hailey does. They love to chase each other around the house and scream and drive us NUTS! really is cute even though it kills our ears! She loves baby dolls and Backyardigans. She also loves her binky & her blanky, both of which she calls her GaGa's. My niece calls them her Lady GaGa's.....haha. I have days where I am going bonkers staying home, but I feel so blessed to be able to. They are growing up WAY too fast.
Our story.....
Jaren & I met through his mom when I started working at the Mesa police department. On my first day she asked if I was single because she was trying to marry off her son. I thought "stay away from her". I am SO glad I didn't listen to my own advice. Well, for a while I did. It must have been a year or so after I started that I ended up calling her and asking about Jaren. I had been sort of dating some other guy who was kind of a jerk, and one day he made me really annoyed so I called Jaren. My excuse to meet him was that I wanted to learn how to shoot a gun, since his mom said he was really into guns. He took me shooting a couple of days later, and we went to a few movies together during the next few weeks. At this time, he was also really into playing basketball with his friends. He would call me a lot, but it wouldn't be until later in the evening, after playing ball. I figured he wasn't very interested in dating then, so I didn't call him back one day :( A year and a half went by, and I really missed him and regretted not calling him back. I knew he was the perfect guy for me. One night while I left work, I could see his truck was still at his work. I had a plan to call him at home and leave a message to see if he would call me back. To my surprise, by the time I got home and called him, he answered the phone. I was SO embarrassed, but so glad I called. We started dating again, that was April 2001. We got engaged December 2002, and married October 10th, 2003. We enjoyed our time together until our first little blessing arrived, Hailey, on January 3rd, 2007. Almost four years later, Addison joined us on August 30th, 2010.
I am the world's WORST blogger
I must be the world's WORST blogger. I am embarrassed to admit I have started four blogs in the past four years. Between not understanding how to create a template to my liking, and me being famous for not finishing things I start, each blog had an entry or two and that was it! I have been mulling over ideas on how to record memories of our little family. I love the idea of scrapbooking, but I am not the creative type WHATSOEVER. I tried, but it looked more like a project a three year old made with pictures and glue! I was reading a friend's blog and she mentioned having her blog entries made into books each year or so. I think that is an awesome idea, and so here I go, with yet another blog. This time I am promising myself I will keep it going. I think knowing that I am going to have my entries and pictures of the girls made into books will be motivational. I can't wait to hand them to them some day, where they will be able to read and see all of the cute, silly and precious things they did throughout the years.
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