Monday, December 25, 2017


We had a great Christmas!  The girls were SO excited over their gifts.  Jaren's family came over for lunch and the Petersen gift exchange.  It was a nice day!

Christmas Eve. We left apple pie and milk out for Santa.

 Santa came!!

 She LOVED her beach cruiser.

Addy wasn't acting too excited.  We found
out later that she thought it was too big.  Turns
out it's perfect size, and she constantly asks to ride it.

 Hailey got Addy a jewelry box
with some rings, so cute!

 She really wants to learn to sew, so
we got her some sewing stuff.

 This girl has wanted a Luvabella
doll for months!  She was SO stinking
excited.  She played with her all day.

 Opening a LOL doll.

 They both got half a pound of
See's Candy butterscotch squares, their favorite!

 Jaren's side of the family came over for lunch and gifts.

 Getting ready for the Petersen gift exchange.  It's always so funny!

Addy put her baby to bed that night haha.
She LOVES this doll!!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

December Pictures

 The girls doing laundry haha!

Hailey went to an Activity Days
where they got to make gingerbread houses.

 Our elf Holly came back!  This is such a 
fun tradition with our girls!  They love waking
up every morning and seeing where she is.

 Going for a ride with the neighbor boys.

 At a candy shop in Chandler. This store
is so cool, and has every candy and soda
flavor imaginable.

 We finally took the girls to look at the
Mesa Temple lights.  It's been years since
we had been.  We went and bought hot
cocoa before, it was a fun night.

 My world!

 Helping me bake.

 We went over to David and Cassi's house for Christmas Eve.
How sad is it that I only took three pictures?

 From Nana and Papa!

 This girl is all about saving money right now.

 They opened their Christmas Eve
present, which is always new pajamas.

 So excited for Christmas!

 At Urban Jungle.

 All ready to play at Urban Jungle.

 We took Hailey's friend Payton to the movies with us.

 Silly girls wanted to pose in front of this advertisement.

More posing haha.

 Going to work with dad.

 Our sixth year ordering a personalized ornament.  I love this tradition.

Addy and her best friend Owen.

 At church.