Wednesday, November 29, 2017

November Pictures

 Hailey's 5th grade school picture.  So pretty!

Cute little Addy, growing up so fast.

 Ortho appointment.

 Addy and our future son in law haha!  His mom and I always
say we are going to arrange their marriage one day.  They
are such good buds!

 We tried Backyard Taco for the first time.

 Jaren making a fried ice cream dessert.
He almost never cooks, so I had to document haha.


 Silly girl!

 Camping out (only playing) outback.

 Eating Jaren's left over dessert.

 Hailey at Activity Days Recognition Night.

 Out to lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings.

 This was at Thanksgiving.  We went
to Rachel's in laws house, Patty and Les.

 This cute girl is growing up fast!

 Jaren and Addy making butterscotch squares.

 And look who came right after Thanksgiving. Our
Elf Holly brought Christmas jammies, new
slippers and a yummy donut.

 So cute!