Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween and Pumpkin Carving

We carved pumpkins just as a family this year, it was fun!  This was the first year that Addy really got into it.  The other years she was still grossed out by the insides.  The girls each did a pumpkin.  Halloween night we had a neighborhood pizza party down the street, and then the girls walked around for about thirty minutes.  Afterwards, they came back and handed out candy.  They LOVE handing out candy!

 Trusting Hailey with a knife is scary haha!
But, she did an excellent job!

Love him!

 Daddy helping Addy with hers.

 All done!

So cute!

 Addy was Super Girl.

 All ready for trick or treating.

 Hailey changed her mind on her
costume and went as a witch instead.

 Someone on our street usually does a pizza
party in the driveway right before trick or treating.

 Hailey doing the donut walk.

 This girl LOVES donuts!!

 Trick or treating.

 Our neighbors put up a movie screen in our cul-de-sac for
people to watch.  The girls watched it for a bit after handing
out our candy to other kids.

 Hailey told a joke at a house and they
gave her a king sized Reeses!

Checking out her candy.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

October Pictures

October is always such a busy month, but I love it.  I don't necessarily "like" Halloween, but I love seeing how much the girls enjoy it. They love dressing up, going door to door (although I think they both like coming back and handing out candy even more), the ward party, cookie decorating, pumpkin carving and Fall festivals.  Such a fun time of the year.

 Riding the neighbor girls toy.  I love our
cul-de-sac that we live on.  We have the best neighbors.
Almost every night, the kids play and the moms chat.

Hailey colored this picture so cute!

 Addy said "look mom, I'm a scorpion".  I told her we
had enough of those things in real life already! Speaking of
scorpions, Addy has become quite the little scorpion hunter.
Almost every night, I go outside looking, and a lot of times,
she grabs the other light and comes with me. 

 We invited Olivia and Payton over to make Halloween cookies.

 Addy and Olivia.

 Hailey and Payton.

 Hailey trying on her Halloween costume.

 Addy's tooth about to fall out.  This girl will
not work on a tooth.  She will literally let them
dangle by a thread until they fall out haha.

 And it's out!!

 Helping me make overnight oats.

 Playing school with the neighbor boys.  

 This palm tree had termites and it eventually
killed the tree.  Jaren worked many hours
trying to pull it out. It was tough!

 Helping daddy take apart Remi's cage.
This girl sure is cute!

 Outside of church.  Love these girls!

Bahama Bucks, her favorite.

 Campout in the family room!

 My what big teeth you have!

Cute girl!

Friday, October 13, 2017

Fall Festival

The girls had their Fall Festival at school.  They played games, had popcorn and snow cones, and had a great time.

 Having fun and enjoying a cupcake and a snow cone!

 Look at that smile!  She was SO
excited to have a butterfly painted on her cheek.

 Waiting in line for a game.  

 Addy didn't want to play too many games, 
I had to talk her into them.  She's so timid.

 Addy and her friend Britta.

 Addy, Britta and Clancy.

 These two are such good friends!