Sunday, June 18, 2017

Father's Day

Father's Day was pretty boring, sorry Jaren haha!  The girls were up super early, as usual.  I woke up around five, but went back to sleep.  I got up and made the girls breakfast, and they wanted to make Jaren breakfast in bed, but I told them we needed to let him sleep (he's had really long hours).
He slept til 8, and wanted oat bran and fruit for breakfast, since I had been eating it the last few days and told him it was pretty good.  So,  no fancy Father's Day breakfast for him!  Jaren ordered himself a new gun, so we considered that his gift.  I didn't want to not get him nothing,  so we got him a pound of Sea's butterscotch squares, which we do every year.   We also ordered him a new swim suit, but it wasn't delivered yet, so that will have to wait.

We've been having major issues with our pool and algae, so Jaren had to take the pump apart for the second time this week, out in the blazing heat, on Father's Day! 

We also ordered my dad a gift, which didn't come, so we told them we'd come out Monday when it got delivered. 
I think he was still recovering from his 3am workday.

I think they are just a bit excited for the butterscotch squares!
Our entire family LOVES these.  Like, the whole pound will
be gone by tomorrow!  Luckily, Jaren is sweet and shares!

Addy's card to Daddy.

Hailey's class made a Father's Day craft
before school let out.  I thought that was so
sweet of her teacher to think of the dads, even
though school would not be in session on Father's Day.

Showing him her card.  This was funny, she
wrote that he was really good at cooking haha!
Jaren and I were both confused haha.  He rarely
cooks anything!  Thanks for the laugh Hailey Bug!

Fixing the darn pool pump.  It was SO hot, and
probably the last thing he wanted to do on his day.

He also played a few games of Trouble with the girls.

After the pool pump was cleaned, he
helped the girls wash Remi.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Ice Skating

We sign up for something called a Pogo Pass.  You pay a yearly fee of $40, and it gets you into quite a few places, with no charge.  We've had it for a few years, but this is the first time going ice skating.  The girls were so excited.  I made them wear helmets, which Hailey was not happy about haha.  There were only a few other kids with them, and she looked at me and said "are you serious?" Haha!  They did pretty good, but I did have to get a skate mates for them.  By the end Hailey ditched hers and did pretty darn good. I skated for a little bit, and I was done.  I was afraid of falling and hurting my back.  All in all they had a lot of fun.

Thursday, June 8, 2017


About a week ago, my mom called me and said that my dad had another stroke.  He was admitted into the hospital, and I went to visit him.  The girls were both upset that they couldn't go, so they made him cards.  They love their papa so much!  Hailey is getting to the age where she knows that he has health problems, and knows that he won't be here forever.  She cried in her room for awhile, poor girl.  She is so tender hearted.  He only stayed in the hospital for the evening, because he was refusing any further tests, so they had to let him go.  We love you Papa!


The girls love going to Skateland.  We used to spend two hours there, but now every time we go, they usually want to leave after an hour.  I'd much rather stay a couple of hours, so we get good use out of our Pogo Pass, but what do you do?

 Every time we go, I say we are not eating there, and
every time, we do haha!  I guess it's partially my fault
for always taking them near lunch time. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Making Fluffy Slime

The girls watch Smelly Belly TV on Youtube all the time!  They just love love love watching them!  They saw them make fluffy slime, so we thought we'd give it a try.  At first, I was wondered why on earth I would let them make such a mess, because it wasn't sticking together.  But, after ten minutes or so, it started coming together.  This was a really fun project with the girls! They are still playing with it a week later. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Park Fun

This will probably be our last park visit for quite a few months since it's a bazillion degrees here in AZ already.  The girls were bored out of there minds, so we went to a couple of parks and played for a bit.  Afterwards we went over to the neighborhood school for lunch.  The schools do a free lunch most of the summer, and anyone under eighteen can eat for free.  I have no idea why we ever go, because the girls just pick at their food.  I guess it's just something to do. 

School lunch. 

Making Homemade Ice Cream

We made homemade ice cream the other day.  We haven't done that in SO long.  I actually kinda forgot we had the ice cream maker haha.  Anyhow, we made some yummy vanilla ice cream.  Then two days later we made strawberry.  Someone remind me not to make ice cream while I'm trying to lose weight lol.  That stuff is hard to pass up!

 This girl has her mama's major sweet tooth!
She sat and waited for the ice cream to thicken up.

 Still waiting.....

 Hailey joined in the waiting.  I guess they got bored
and decided to bring out the creepy clown mask haha!

 Our silly girls!