Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Pictures from September

More random pictures.  These are from September.  I am really going to start blogging more (I'm writing these a few months later). 

 Typical evening these days.  The girls pretty much
beg to ride bikes and the go kart in the cul de sac every day.

 Addy working out.  I'm telling you,
the girls seriously LOVE to workout!

 Addy and I going for a bike ride.

 Getting cupcakes at a bakery, mmmmmm.

 Hailey helping make lasagna.  She
loves to help.  I really should let
her do it more often!

 This girl is doing so awesome with her reading!

 Playing with John and Hannah

 This was so funny.  Hailey needed to measure something
for her homework, and we couldn't find the ruler.  We had to
interrupt Jaren, who was working out in the garage, and her
brought out the level to measure it haha.  It was such a small
thing to measure, and that thing is huge, I couldn't stop laughing.

Enjoying the rain for the whole two minutes it lasted!

 Haha....Addy playing with an app on my phone.

 Addy got a gift card for Fiiz Drinks for her birthday,
and the girls were excited to go.  Hailey got something
called "mean chick" because it had a pink peep and whip
cream and sprinkles.  Addy got shark attack, because there
was a gummy shark in it. 

Fake nails.  She was so excited until she realized that
they fall off literally two minutes after you put them on haha.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Our First Family Camping Trip

We took the girls on their first camping trip!!  I can't believe they are six and nine and have not camped yet!  My parents took us all the time when we were younger.  Anyhow, Jim and been trying to put together a trip for awhile, and we were all finally able to go.  We drove up on a Thursday and came home Saturday evening.  The girls had a blast.  Addy, being the timid girl she is, did not want to go.  She was afraid of everything we mentioned.  I was not a huge fan of going, since I cannot stand bugs, and Jaren says I was rubbing off on her haha. Sorry Addy, it's probably true.  But, as soon as we got there and she was able to relax and look around, she loved it!  Hailey was on board from the get go!  Jim and the kids went, us, and Rachel and Dusty, so there were plenty of cousins to play with.  They played hard all day!  We enjoyed yummy food, went on some short walks, and enjoyed the campfire, it was freezing at night and in the morning.  I barley slept because of snoring brother in laws, haha, and an owl that was hooting all night long.  The owl was pretty cool though. It was a great trip, and we hope to take the girls again. 

 So pretty!!

 We brought the walkie talkies for
the cousins to play with.

 Hannah and Hailey getting out the juice boxes!

 Addy, Elsie and Hannah.

 Silly girls!

 Addy and I. 

 Going on a walk.

 Someone's legs got tired fast!

 Hailey walking Hedy.

 Found a little creek to play in.  It was freezing cold water, but
the kids wanted to walk on the rocks.  They all pretty much
ended up wet.  I would've been miserable, but they took it good!

 This was at the fish hatchery. 

She couldn't keep her eyes open
any more, sweet girl.